

1. 构建发布压缩包


# 1.make distribution tar.gz
./configure --with-pkg-extra-version=-r1
make dist

  这一步主要是构建代码编译采用的压缩包,确认版本号等过程;读者可以在宿主机上编译出压缩包或编写到Dockerfile和脚本,FROM alpine:edge as source-builder,并在其中安装所需依赖.

2. 编写APKBUILD等文件




3. 创建alpine编译容器

docker pull alpine:edge
docker run -itd --name alpine-builder alpine:edge
docker exec -it alpine-builder sh
echo '' >> /etc/apk/repositories
apk add --update-cache abuild alpine-conf alpine-sdk py-pip
pip install pytest


docker pull turbock/alpine-builder:V2
docker run -itd --name=alpine-builder turbock/alpine-builder:V2


docker exec -it alpine-builder sh
setup-apkcache /var/cache/apk
mkdir -p /dist/
mkdir -p /pkgs/apk
echo 'builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers

4. 准备alpine构建环境并编译打包


docker cp ./*-*.tar.gz  alpine-builder:/dist/
#拷贝alpine目录下APKBUILD等文件到alpine docker中同一路径下,例如/dist/
docker cp ./alpine/. alpine-builder:/dist/
docker exec -it alpine-builder sh

#创建builer用户,并以该用户构建apk包;否则会报错>>> ERROR: : Do not run abuild as root
adduser -D -G abuild builder && chown -R builder /dist /pkgs
su builder
cd /dist
abuild deps && abuild-keygen -a -n && abuild checksum && git init
#abuild -F deps && abuild-keygen -a -n && abuild -F checksum && git init
abuild -r -P /pkgs/apk
#abuild -F -r -P /pkgs/apk


  • 问题1:报错 Checking sanity of /dist/APKBUILD...ERROR: 7.3.1-2.6.1 is not a valid version

  • 问题2:报错cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors
    解决方法:设置环境变量;c工程设置export CFLAGS="-Wno-error";c++工程设置export CXXFLAGS="-Wno-error";

  • 问题3:报错Tracing dependencies... ERROR: /usr/lib/ Could not find owner package
    解决方法:依赖项可能为用户自定义依赖库,或第三方库。编译安装包最后步骤,会默认会检查依赖库关系;这个需要注意几个地方,需要在编译Makefile文件中添加-lprotobuf-c,安装该apk模块apk add protobuf-c,并写入APKBUILD文件的依赖项检查中。

5. Abuild范式了解(类似rpmbuild)


$ abuild -h
usage: abuild [options] [-P REPODEST] [-s SRCDEST] [-D DESCRIPTION] [cmd] ...
       abuild [-c] -n PKGNAME[-PKGVER]
 -A  Print CARCH and exit
 -c  Enable colored output
 -d  Disable dependency checking
 -D  Set APKINDEX description (default: $repo $(git describe))
 -f  Force specified cmd (skip checks: apk up to date, arch, libc)
 -F  Force run as root
 -h  Show this help
 -k  Keep built packages, even if APKBUILD or sources are newer
 -K  Keep buildtime temp dirs and files (srcdir/pkgdir/deps)
 -m  Disable colors (monochrome)
 -P  Set REPODEST as the repository location for created packages
 -q  Quiet
 -r  Install missing dependencies from system repository (using sudo)
 -s  Set source package destination directory
 -v  Verbose: show every command as it is run (very noisy)

  build       Compile and install package into $pkgdir
  check       Run any defined tests concerning the package
  checksum    Generate checksum to be included in APKBUILD
  clean       Remove temp build and install dirs
  cleancache  Remove downloaded files from $SRCDEST
  cleanoldpkg Remove binary packages except current version
  cleanpkg    Remove already built binary and source package
  deps        Install packages listed in makedepends and depends
  fetch       Fetch sources to $SRCDEST (consider: 'abuild fetch verify')
  index       Regenerate indexes in $REPODEST
  listpkg     List target packages
  package     Install project into
  prepare     Apply patches
  rootbld     Build package in clean chroot
  rootpkg     Run 'package', the split functions and create apks as fakeroot
  sanitycheck Basic sanity check of APKBUILD
  snapshot    Create a $giturl or $svnurl snapshot and upload to $disturl
  sourcecheck Check if remote source package exists upstream
  srcpkg      Make a source package
  undeps      Uninstall packages listed in makedepends and depends
  unpack      Unpack sources to $srcdir
  up2date     Compare target and sources dates
  verify      Verify checksums

To activate cross compilation specify in environment:
  CHOST       Arch or hostspec of machine to generate packages for
  CTARGET     Arch or hostspec of machine to generate compiler for

6. 参考文件

  1. 运行,首先第一步是通过Dockerfile文件中配置构建alpine编译目标容器,并将相关的APKBUILD和dist压缩文件拷贝,进行编译;
  2. build.sh第二步是将编译好的apk安装包安装并制作镜像;
  • frr/docker/alpine/build.sh文件
set -e
set -x

# Package version needs to be decimal
GITREV="$(git rev-parse --short=10 HEAD)"
PKGVER="$(printf '%u\n' 0x$GITREV)"

docker build \
    --pull \
    --file=docker/alpine/Dockerfile \
    --build-arg="PKGVER=$PKGVER" \
    --tag="frr:alpine-builder-$GITREV" \
    --target=alpine-builder \

CONTAINER_ID="$(docker create "frr:alpine-builder-$GITREV")"
docker cp "${CONTAINER_ID}:/pkgs/" docker/alpine
docker rm "${CONTAINER_ID}"

docker build \
    --file=docker/alpine/Dockerfile \
    --build-arg="PKGVER=$PKGVER" \
    --tag="frr:alpine-$GITREV" \

docker rmi "frr:alpine-builder-$GITREV"
  • frr/docker/alpine/Dockerfile
FROM alpine:edge as source-builder

RUN mkdir -p /src/alpine
COPY alpine/ /src/alpine
RUN source /src/alpine/ \
    && echo '' >> /etc/apk/repositories \
    && apk add \
        --no-cache \
        --update-cache \
        $makedepends \
        gzip \
    && pip install pytest

COPY . /src
RUN cd /src \
    && ./ \
    && ./configure \
        --enable-numeric-version \
        --with-pkg-extra-version="_git$PKGVER" \
    && make dist

# This stage builds an apk from the dist tarball
FROM alpine:edge as alpine-builder
# Don't use nocache here so that abuild can use the cache
RUN echo '' >> /etc/apk/repositories \
    && apk add \
        --update-cache \
        abuild \
        alpine-conf \
        alpine-sdk \
        py-pip \
    && pip install pytest \
    && setup-apkcache /var/cache/apk \
    && mkdir -p /pkgs/apk \
    && echo 'builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers

COPY --from=source-builder /src/frr-*.tar.gz /src/alpine/* /dist/
RUN adduser -D -G abuild builder && chown -R builder /dist /pkgs
USER builder
RUN cd /dist \
    && abuild-keygen -a -n \
    && abuild checksum \
    && git init \
    && abuild -r -P /pkgs/apk

# This stage installs frr from the apk
FROM alpine:edge
RUN mkdir -p /pkgs/apk
COPY --from=alpine-builder /pkgs/apk/ /pkgs/apk/
RUN echo '' >> /etc/apk/repositories \
    && apk add \
        --no-cache \
        --update-cache \
        tini \
    && apk add \
        --no-cache \
        --allow-untrusted /pkgs/apk/*/*.apk \
    && rm -rf /pkgs
COPY docker/alpine/docker-start /usr/lib/frr/docker-start
ENTRYPOINT [ "/sbin/tini", "--", "/usr/lib/frr/docker-start" ]
  • frr/alpine/APKBUILD文件
pkgdesc="FRRouting is a fork of quagga"
depends="json-c c-ares iproute2 python3 bash"
makedepends="ncurses-dev net-snmp-dev gawk texinfo perl
    acct autoconf automake bash binutils bison bsd-compat-headers build-base
    c-ares c-ares-dev ca-certificates cryptsetup-libs curl device-mapper-libs
    expat fakeroot flex fortify-headers gdbm git gmp isl json-c-dev kmod
    lddtree libacl libatomic libattr libblkid libburn libbz2 libc-dev
    libcap-dev libcurl libedit libffi libgcc libgomp libisoburn libisofs
    libltdl libressl libssh2 libstdc++ libtool libuuid libyang-dev
    linux-headers lzip lzo m4 make mkinitfs mpc1 mpfr4 mtools musl-dev
    ncurses-libs ncurses-terminfo ncurses-terminfo-base patch pax-utils pcre
    perl pkgconf python3 python3-dev readline readline-dev sqlite-libs
    squashfs-tools sudo tar texinfo xorriso xz-libs py-pip rtrlib rtrlib-dev
checkdepends="pytest py-setuptools"
install="$pkgname.pre-install $pkgname.pre-deinstall $"
subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc $pkgname-dbg"



build() {
    cd "$builddir"

    ./configure \
        --prefix=/usr \
        --sbindir=$_sbindir \
        --sysconfdir=$_sysconfdir \
        --libdir=$_libdir \
        --localstatedir=$_localstatedir \
        --enable-systemd=no \
        --enable-rpki \
        --enable-vtysh \
        --enable-multipath=64 \
        --enable-vty-group=frrvty \
        --enable-user=$_user \

check() {
    cd "$builddir"
    make -j 1 check

package() {
    cd "$builddir"
    make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

    install -Dm644 "$builddir"/tools/etc/frr/daemons "$pkgdir"$_sysconfdir
    install -d "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d
    ln -s ${_sbindir}/frr "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/frr



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